Annabella’s presentation included a special 2010 performance of
“All You Need Is Love.”
Due to Copyrights, we cannot embed this song in the recording, please pause the video at the noted spot, and use this link to play the song…

What to do about the war Russia is waging. What to do about the rift in America’s political realm and now within families. How about covid? What to do about Global Warming, species extinction and addiction issues. Are we at the edge of our own destruction?
In the late 60’s the Beatles hit on a theme which we would do well to study once again. As the world seems to be falling apart around us, how do we hold ourselves and everything else together?
Let’s put the suggestion from the Beetles song together with spiritual principles and see if we can find some answers for ourselves such that we can experience joy filled, productive lives during this delicate time on the planet.” Rev. Annabella Wood is an interfaith minister from Circle of Miracles School of Ministry. She is also a longtime student of A Course in Miracles, a certified facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie and Marianne Williamson’s Miracle-Minded Coaching. She is also a delegate of The Resonance Science Foundation, a cutting edge science/spirit research facility. Bringing science and the power of the heart-mind together has been Rev. Annabella’s longtime passion. She will be bringing all of these disciplines to bear as she explores how to use love to create real change in the physical world.

Annabella Wood