Pranic Healing is a form of energy medicine that can specifically address a wide range of physical and emotional illnesses. It has been used very effectively in treating many disorders common among veterans, including PTSD, anxiety, addiction and pain. This short video explains more: Reducing PTSD – YouTube
In this presentation, Rev. Mike Wanner will discuss his work with vets and answer questions about Pranic Healing. Mike is an active member of the Bucks County Pranic Healing community, regularly volunteering at both in person and online healing events. He has written a series of introductory books about Pranic Healing and is pursuing his Associate Pranic Healer Certification, a rigorous year-long program that tests healing knowledge and skills. Mike is also an active member of Salute2Service, a local organization that supports veterans.

Rev. Mike Wanner
(215 342-1270
[email protected]
Get your free Pranic Healing ebook: Free – Pranic Healing Primer Series – PranicHealing.xyz
Try Pranic Healing: Pranic Healing Bucks County (Warrington, PA) | Meetup
Check out Salute2Service: Veteran Nonprofit Bucks County | United States | Salute 2 Service