Change and uncertainty is challenging us to dig deep and feel into who we truly are. How do we make decisions, plans, and navigate our life when we are presented with situations we have never faced before?
In this workshop, you will learn 4 steps to gain the confidence to live fully, know what your part is on the planet now, and lead you to the courage to “jump”.
- Envision a world in which your dreams and reality are one. As beings of frequency, everything you think, feel, and dream makes a difference.
- Integrate the head with the heart to clarify what is most important to you, what makes your heart sing, and how to commit to expressing that beauty in your life.
- Learn to feel the resonance and intelligence of the body, so you can move through your life in a more conscious, grounded state. In this state, you will know what actions to take, and find the courage to jump!
- Practice short meditation that will tie it together and help you stay calm, centered, and sane!
Please join me! Humanity is at a crossroads, and every one of us matters.
“When you come to the edge of all the Light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen. There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.” – Anonymous
Be sure to also catch Dr. Zora’s Presentation Sat at 3:30pm: Choose HUMAN
She is also offering NET/Original Harmony Sessions. Click here to learn more and book your expo session now.

Dr Zora
(a.k.a. Dr. SUsan Burger)
[email protected]