Radikal Life is for people who are seeking an optimized experience of being human. Radikal Life: The Manual for Optimal Being-ness is a collaboration of leaders in wholeness and wellness coming together to deliver content in a virtual platform related to cultivating optimal being-ness. The manual is delivered in 14 modules, each module includes three classes. Most classes are 40 to 60 minutes long, and many have interactive components. The manual is self paced, and you can choose where you want to start, in terms of which module you’re most interested in.

Our 14 modules are: Breathe, Cleanse, Clear, Connect, Create, Do, Intuit, Meditate, Move, Nourish, Rest, Strengthen, Stretch, Think. Our free Radikal Life Starter Kit is a great way to get a feel for each module leader and their work. In addition to the self paced classes in each module, many module leaders are offering one-on-one coaching in a virtual format.

The Manual for Optimal Being-ness is ideal for people who have done some healing work already, either on their own, with a healer, or with a therapist, who are pretty well grounded and feeling stable, but really want to grow into their next iteration of themselves. We’ve found that most people have areas of support and skill building that they still want to cultivate. Our Connect Module leader has described this as progressing from functional to fabulous!

Marina Patrice
(215) 528-4821