Sunil as Chief SEVA Officer for Swaasthya Inc., has benchmarked and evaluated all most all of the Ayurvedic institutions in India by visiting in-person from Rishikesh to Kanyakumari and tied-up with India’s #1 (probably in the world), most authentic Ayurvedic firm AVP in USA. Besides AVP, also tie-up most modern and hi-tech firm and now has samples to be tried for USA to experience natural, chemical free, child safe and authentic formulations as well as single herb (we have these now available in USA to order at where we have details of formulations-ingredients and How to Use instructions):
~ 41 Products (product are unique to client segment, market needs & defined target clients)
- 6 Balms – Through all layers of our skin 7 dhatu/tissues nourishments (medicinal values)
- 4 Skin Care (natural face/skin nourishments & beautification)
- 3+1 Hair Care (natural hair/scalp nourishment)
- 27 Healthcare products formulations including single herbs.
Sunil is doing following services to general public as per their individual wellness needs, and willing to collaborate and customized.
- Consultations and follow-ups including AyurYoga, Herbology, Diet and Lifestyle adjustments.
- Panchakarma/Massages (onsite) Apparatuses & Equipment ready & TBD, focused on Elderly Care to improve their Quality of Life
- End of Life DOULA –AyurYoga therapy (Hospice)
- Brighterminds (Alpha, AlphaPLUS & ReSTART) 5-15 years old children
- Ayurvedic Educational – Intro and Bodyworkers tracks (contents ready & TBD)
- India Medical Tourism (offsite) for what’s not legal in USA for Ayurvedic Chikitsas
Sunil is passionate about total health / Swaasthya in all phases of the life of each human being using the ancient Vedic as well as modern scientific wisdom. Please reach us by simply sending an SMS, email or call +1 (610) 296-3856 (leave voice message with your contact number and details).
Swaasthya Inc.
Sunil Kanojia
(610) 296-3856