By intuitively connecting with the client’s higher self, Michael works simultaneously with their subtle bodies: etheric, mental, emotional, and physical.
Michael starts all sessions with a clearing and balancing of the auras and energy system within the subtle bodies. This brings a feeling of calmness and relaxation which opens up the energy system to optimize healing. During this process, the third eye is refreshed and opened for the client.
He then channels a passionate and loving healing energy that focuses on the needs of the client. The wide range of healings include ailments, aches, dis-ease, etc. Michael also focuses healing sessions when needed to help clients who are affected with low energy, depression, anxiety, racing minds, focusing issues, moodiness, etc.
As an intuitive, Michael sometimes receives and shares messages from spirit that are meant for the client. Further, he also eliminates and dissolves all unwanted draining energy connections from others that are attached (tethered) to the client’s energy system.
By the end of the session, the client receives a complete energy system clearing and balancing along with a loving healing for the mind, body, and soul.
Many Blessings in Light & Love
Michael Camut
(215) 534-8820