In this funny, yet informative, truth telling presentation, Adele shares many stories about her unique relationship with her intuitive husband.
Listen as she shares her findings about the things that blinded her from her intuition. Intuition is made easy, clearer and better interpreted when you are more conscious, aware, and open and when your limited beliefs are not in the way, or have been resolved. Adele takes you back to her childhood where her intuition started and then how she shut it down because of what she perceived about her environment.
Adele’s uplifting demeaner encourages and motivates anyone facing life’s challenges and finds themselves struggling with creating, with maybe a difficult relationship or simply with dwelling on the past.
Come listen to Adele’s stories about the invisible and her first encounter with her intuition husband, which changed the trajectory of her life!

Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro
[email protected]