Sat 6pm (45min): Embodied Expression: A Journey of Movement & Freedom with Charee Janelle

Join us on a journey of movement where you can freely express yourself, dancing your prayers, exploring the depths & visions of your innermost being, all awhile celebrating the ecstasy of embodiment.

Inspired with the intention of co-creating a higher vibration in the world, inside a sacred container where one is free to embark on a journey to explore the body, mind, and heart and witness what is alive for you in this present moment. 

We will combine conscious free form movement with ecstatic dance, matched with a curated musical landscape, to guide you back to your most authentic bliss being. Come as you are, and sink into this sacred space of freedom, safety and celebration. Dance yourself into your most authentic bliss of nature. 

Charee leads you into a  place where the rhythm beat of the music & breath invites you in to discover places within Self, a place where the thinking mind & talking cannot touch. You’ll delve into the depths of your spirit for complete freedom to do whatever your body wants to do in this space. If you want to shake your whole body, head to toe, or you choose to rock back and forth. All of you and all of your expression is welcomed.  

This Embodied Expression ecstatic dance is a deeply spiritual, transformational & illuminating experience. This is a invite to come home to your Bliss Self. A divine rememberance. External Activity & Internal Exploration. External Sound & Internal Stillness. Yin & Yang experience if you will.  

  • No experience necessary to join us. All of you and all expressions are welcome in this space. 
  • There is no talking allowed during this dance part of the experience 
  • Phones are required to be turned off 
  • Dresses comfortably in layers, bring a refillable water bottle, yoga mat, blanket & journal & anything else that feels right 
  • This is trauma informed and a safe space for all 

Please direct any questions about the event to


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Sat 5:30pm (20min): Medicinal Uses of Herbal Teas with Jennifer Wojnar

By embracing the wisdom of intuition, you empower yourself to make choices that resonate authentically with your true self. Delving into this innate gift opens the doors to a realm of understanding, creative insight, and heightened awareness. Just like any skill, your intuitive abilities can be cultivated and strengthened through deliberate practice. By incorporating simple yet effective practices into your daily routine, you’ll forge a deeper connection with the universe, guiding you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


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Sat 4:30pm (45min): Creating Your Sacred Space (Interactive) with Coffee Karma Cafe

Enjoy an interactive opportunity to empower yourself by learning how to create a sacred space anywhere. The energy around us is a strong influence on our own energy and thoughts. Creating sacred spaces help you hold an intentional energy to maintain a positive, healthy, and peaceful life.


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Sat 3pm (45min): Healing with Gaia through the Voice of the Drum by Amaya Victoria

Are you a steward for the trees? Every day, a forty-foot tree takes in fifty gallons of dissolved nutrients from the soil, raises this mixture to its top most leaves, converts it into 10 pounds of carbohydrates and releases 60 cubic feet of pure oxygen into the air. The trees are our elders. In the indigenous ways these elders, the trees, are thanked and praised. We on the east coast have the privilege to live amongst and with the trees.

Gather with Amaya in a circle, constructing an altar built with sacred objects and prayer, then sit back as Amaya drums on behalf of you, Gaia, and the trees. The frequency and vibration that comes from the voice of the drum, which is between 146-290 hz, will open up your cells all the way to the mitochondria, affecting the left and right hemispheres of your brain, clearing and restructuring your whole being.

You shall be guided by Amaya to the center of Gaia, ride the roots of the trees and listen to the resonance and voices of these powerful beings. Let the messages abound! Coming back to the room, there will be time to share in the circle.

Please bring one sacred object. Chairs will be available. You are welcome to bring a pillow or mat to lay on. Please be on time, once the circle begins, the circle closes.


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