Sat 3pm (45min): Miraculous Healing Stories with Alison Sahoo

Pranic Healing can do some amazing things! In this presentation, you will hear about someincredible healings from the healers at Pranic Healing Bucks County, including cases of Parkinson’s disease, Covid coma, severe pneumonia, obesity, chronic anxiety, and more. You’ll learn what affects healing time and results, and how to access Pranic Healing for yourself or a loved one.


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Sat 1:30pm (45min): Pathway to Your Peaceful Life with Robin Sanet

I am completely healed and you can be, too! 

In this workshop I will present to you not only evidence that healing can be attained, but also very simple exercises you can apply to your daily life which lead to more peace, freedom, and joy. My experience as an Intuitive Energy Healer, Reconnection Certified Practitioner, Reconnective Practitioner, Author, Inspirational Public Speaker, One Light Healing Touch Therapist, Life Coach and Reiki Master has led me to develop a very personalized effective treatment that I’ll share with you. 

Over the past 30 years I’ve explored countless ways to heal myself. I quickly learned the power is within. I learned how to maintain the healings after they occur and live it today, as do my clients. When they experience healing, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual, I teach through Reconnection how to self-heal and it’s through my work they maintain it. You are the power of your own healing… I am just the catalyst or vessel for personal transformation. 

It was the total release of beliefs and patterns I once claimed to be my identity that was my breakthrough. Today I am free of addiction, illness, and chaos because I know I am creating reality through my thoughts and words. I live by “whatever and wherever we place our intention and attention becomes our reality.” Through our work together, you will become awake and aware to patterns in your own life; seeing interconnectedness within everything and everyone. This will be your brand new reality. The Reconnection and Your Peaceful Life exercises is the greatest gift you’ll ever give yourself. 


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Sat 12pm (45min): Sound is all about vibration; I am too with Angelo Rizzo

We have heard many times about how sound is about vibration and that everything in our environment is in motion. Also we have looked at the Law of Resonance; one of most powerful laws in our universe. But what about our vibration, how are we moving through our life? What energy are we living; one that is helping or hurting us?

Come to this class, where we will be looking at the idea of vibration and how we can have an effect on our own. Come experience the sound of the vibration of you!


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