Volt Energetics (Including LifeWave)

The mission of Volt Energetics is to empower those who want to unlock their healing potential through light, sound, and the breath. More specifically, Volt Energetics serves as an Independent Brand Partner to LifeWave (wearable light therapy products), engages in BioField Tuning, a sound therapy founded by Eileen McKusick, and the facilitation of 9D Breathwork which is an integration of the benefits of sound therapy with the amazing potential of the breath all wrapped up into one session.


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ECKANKAR Path of Spiritual Freedom

You are Soul, an eternal, creative being. Unlimited. Divine.

Does something inside you long to know life’s purpose? To make sense of the world around you?
Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your journey home—to the heights of Self-Discovery and God-Discovery, and beyond.

Come along and discover the most secret part of yourself.
The key to spiritual freedom lies within you.


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