SunPsychic Jean

SunPsychic Jean will provide psychic and medium readings, interpret messages from loved ones who have crossed over. SunPsychic Jean will also provide messages from pets still here in this world and those who have crossed over. SunPsychic Jean provides messages from your Spirit Guides and Angels to assist you with your personal and spiritual growth.


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Nourished Heart Healing

Multidimensional Energy/Intuitive Readings and Light Language Activations for the exquisitely sensitive!

In these sessions, I will connect in the etheric realm with Spirit, your celestial team of loving guides (Angelic, Galactic, and Ascended Masters) and your Divine Self, to offer heart-nourishing messages of comfort, and clarity to assist on your journey. This session is completely divinely-guided and may include Tarot/Oracle cards, Sound Healing elements, Light Language, and/or Energy clearing/work. We may explore past-lives, parallel lives, Soul family connections and the Akashic Records. These unique sessions can help unlock your innate psychic gifts and catalyze your empathic superpowers, as well as illuminate your Divine purpose as a pure, infinite expression of Source. 

Nourished Heart Healing is dedicated to illuminating your Divine Spark within through empowerment and heart-centered intuitive messages. It is my goal to help you reconnect with your precious Divine Self and awaken or reawaken your multidimensional essence. Through psychic empowerment, it is my sincere wish that you may experience confidence and clarity in your own gifts and that your light is spread through a magnificent ripple effect to humanity and Gaia as we continue to shift into 5D Earth consciousness.


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Lynda Bianchini, Feminine Fire Mystery School

Galactic Origin Readings – 15 minutes  
This is an Oracle reading of your galactic origin and who your primary team in the higher realms are and how they can be utilized for your soul mission.

Soul Mission Template Readings – 15 minutes 
This is an Oracle reading of your soul mission template as it aligns with your highest timeline. I will give you detailed information around the symbols, colors and visions as it comes through my channel.

Light Language Activations – 30 minutes
This is a DEEP clearing on the light body that penetrates to the cellular level. Any obstructions, implants or inserts will be cleared and treated with plasma light from the 12D Christ field.

Soul Retrievals – 30 minutes 
This is a combination of light language and soul journeying that calls back all parts of the soul that have gone missing. Using sound, vibration & sacred chanting.


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Loretta Vasso, The Psychic Partners

Access your inner wisdom with intuitive readings using a variety of divination tools, including Tarot cards, Gemstones, Pendulum & Goddess Oracle cards, interpreted by Psychic-Medium Loretta Vasso.


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Jim Byers, Spiritual Services LLC

Jim Byers is a psychic medium who connects people to the spirit world thru readings, past life regressions, & reiki. Jim’s been offering spiritual services throughout PA, NY, & NJ since 2014.

He has studied with renowned mediums Stella Upton, the late Mavis Pittilla, the late Janet Nohavec, and Joe Shiel. Jim is Reiki Certified, and received certification in Past Life Regressions from Peter Woodbury at the Edgar Cayce Center, A.R.E. 

Jim lives in Wyoming, PA, where he offers private sessions and classes. He also offers readings at psychic fairs and holistic venues throughout Pennsylvania. And he premiered as a presenter at the Lily Dale Assembly, NY, this summer.


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