Sun 11am (20min): Navigating Challenges: Turning Conflict into Clarity with Jessica Kozlowski

Join Jessica for a transformative workshop on how the people in your life—friends, family, and even adversaries—act as catalysts for your spiritual growth. We’ll explore soul contracts, the idea that, on a soul level, we’ve agreed to help each other evolve. Though others may not be aware of their role, the challenges they bring are opportunities for mutual growth.

Learn to recognize these growth moments, navigate difficult interactions, and respond in ways that support personal and spiritual evolution. We’ll also discuss setting healthy boundaries to protect your energy and offer growth opportunities for others.

Embrace this journey to turn every interaction into a step toward greater self-awareness, healing, and soul growth.


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Sat 4pm (20min): Crystal Grids for Manifestation and Empowerment with Dayna

Unlock the power and potential of crystals and sacred geometry through the creation of powerful grids. This immersive presentation offers practical guidance and hands-on techniques to amplify your energy, manifest intentions, and cultivate harmony in your life. Join us on this journey of crystal exploration and empowerment. 


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Read more about the article Sat 1:30pm (20min): Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel with Jon Ellis

Sat 1:30pm (20min): Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel with Jon Ellis

Interactive spiritual talk sharing experiences, helpful insights, and tips for those interested in unfolding deeper levels of awareness, divine guidance, and love. Learn an ancient spiritual exercise to have direct experiences in the Light and Sound of God, Past lives, Conscious Dreaming, and Soul Travel, all under the guidance and protection of the ECK Masters.


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