Sun 12:30pm (45min): Tarot & the Tree of Life: How I Learned to Love Qabala with Helena Domenic

In this workshop, we will explore the ways in which Qabala and Tarot intersect. Helena Domenic, who pulls a “Card of the Day” on Facebook each morning for her followers will talk about why Tarot lovers shouldn’t fear Qabala and how it is a useful map of the Universe.


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Sun 12 pm (20min): Awakening to Your Gifts with Nina Sidell

In this presentation, learn about allowing your unique gifts to unfold. No matter how old or young you are, or what you’ve been through in life, you have gifts to be discovered. Join inspirational speaker, author, and psychotherapist, and intuitive Nina Sidell as she helps you awaken to your own special gifts.


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Sat 4:30pm (45min): Bliss – A Restorative Healing Experience with Charee Janelle

Join Charee for an amazingly blissful, healing experience that is a combination of Nidra, Meditation, Sound Therapy, and Energy Healing.

Yoga Nidra, aka as yogic sleep, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and also one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain.  

 This practice requires exerting as little energy as possible. Your only requirement is to show up, be open & lie down.  Find the ultimate surrender.

Nidra brings you to the space where you are no longer awake nor asleep, rather floating in the delicious space of in between. If all of this isn’t already yummy enough, Nidra will be enhanced through the accompanying live music and playing of sacred instruments, sound bowls, & gongs.

Charee’s deepest intention is to bring you back home, to God.


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