Loretta Vasso, The Psychic Partners

Access your inner wisdom with intuitive readings using a variety of divination tools, including Tarot cards, Gemstones, Pendulum & Goddess Oracle cards, interpreted by Psychic-Medium Loretta Vasso.


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Jim Byers, Spiritual Services LLC

Jim Byers is a psychic medium who connects people to the spirit world thru readings, past life regressions, & reiki. Jim’s been offering spiritual services throughout PA, NY, & NJ since 2014.

He has studied with renowned mediums Stella Upton, the late Mavis Pittilla, the late Janet Nohavec, and Joe Shiel. Jim is Reiki Certified, and received certification in Past Life Regressions from Peter Woodbury at the Edgar Cayce Center, A.R.E. 

Jim lives in Wyoming, PA, where he offers private sessions and classes. He also offers readings at psychic fairs and holistic venues throughout Pennsylvania. And he premiered as a presenter at the Lily Dale Assembly, NY, this summer.


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Dawn Michelle Psychic Medium, LLC

Hi my name is Dawn Michelle and for the past 13 years, I have dedicated myself to providing professional psychic readings. From a young age, I sensed that I was different from others, and as I matured, I embarked on a personal journey of exploration and self-discovery to understand and embrace my unique abilities. 

As an intuitive empath and medium, I possess a profound sensitivity to the energies that surround us. Through this heightened sensitivity, I receive messages in various forms, allowing me to tap into the depths of your being and the spiritual realms. I deliver these messages with unwavering honesty, yet always infused with a deep sense of compassion.

In my practice, I am a no-tools reader, relying solely on the power of energetic connection. By simply knowing your name and receiving your question, I am able to establish a profound link with your energy, opening the pathway for guidance and insight. However, if desired, I can utilize cards as a means of validation to provide an additional layer of clarity and confirmation.


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Sun 2:30pm (20min): Marconics: The State of the Universe with Robin Landau

Are you ready for the next wave of Ascension? 
Ascension out of 3D is over! Ascension into 5D is halfway through, and Ascension into 7D is just beginning! 
[Advanced/Initiate] Teacher [Your Name] explains how Marconics RECALIBRATES the physical body for the assimilation of higher dimensional realities! And how the subtle bodies heal in synthesis, repairing corruption and distortions inherent in human DNA, through Marconics protocols; Activating Higher Spiritual DNA, and bringing all aspects of fragmented SELF into Unification with Source, through the alignment of multi-dimensional holographic body templates. 

Hear why it is essential to balance the Ego-Mind with the Spirit, and harmonize the ascending Physical, Mental and Emotional bodies throughout 144 fractal dimensions:
RECALIBRATE and thrive in the Avatar Consciousness Matrix
RECLAIM your Wings through the hierogamy of Christos/Sophianic frequencies
EMBODY SOVEREIGNTY – as Masters of Co-creation

Learn about ‘The State of the Universe’, ‘The Planetary SHIFT’, and how to access and assimilate recently anchored Mother Arc/Aqua Ray Magnetics for the NEXT Wave of Ascension.


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Sun 1:30pm (45min): Intro to HEAL: Humans Evolving As Light with Mel Thompson

It has been said that humans are spiritual/light beings living in a physical world. However, it seems that in order to survive, we must sacrifice our light/ spirit to meet the demands of the physical world. To meet these demands, we begin to forsake the needs of our spirit/light which can be accompanied by often dire results.

The HEAL program was developed to arrest and reverse the effects erosion of our light/ true selves.

Practical strategies and activities “hacks” are the basis of the HEAL program, promoting personal alignment with the light/ our true selves. This alignment encourages us to cope more gracefully with the demands, losses, and gains of the current human experience. Demands, loss and gain that are the result of aging, relationships, circumstances and evolution.


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Sun 12pm (45min): Heart Alchemy -Clearing Our Past and Coming Back into Power! with Joann Malanga

A workshop on how we store energy in our hearts and it keeps us in victim consciousness! Learning how to clear past relationships and take a U turn back into yourself!

  • Mother /Father Hurts and resentments
  • Family and Friends- Cords of betrayal and abandonment
  • Heartbreak showing up as illness
  • Attracting people that take from you and are not willing to give
  • Blocks in self love sector
  • Emotional Stress
  • Worthlessness and Insecurity
  • Hopelessness
  • Discord in relationships
  • Staying in blame and shame energy

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