Sun 3:30pm (45min): Forging New Relationships with Your Ancestors with Amaya Victoria

We are related to five ancestors; blood, bone, breath, heart, and spirit. For the last 70 years we have incarnated for several major tasks, one of which is to complete the ancestral wheel. This wonderful task has been deeply driven into our souls and DNA, directly connecting all of us together, including the 7 generations who have lived before us. During this 45 minute experience, we shall explore and touch gently on two inquiries: Are you one of your original ancestors? And what ancestor of the five ways of the last seven generations do you need to connect with?

Come to circle with others of like minded searching. Let us together consciously complete a holy cycle. 

After getting settled either sitting or laying, Amaya will help to take you through the sacred journey of meeting important ancestors. Bringing back with you memory, messages and knowledge to be integrated and used in your life for the good. And for the good of others. For as one heals all are affected.

There will be time towards the end of the experience for sharing. You are welcome to bring a pillow and mat. Chairs will be available. Please be on time, as when the process begins the circle will be closed so no distractions will occur.


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Sat 3pm (45min): Healing with Gaia through the Voice of the Drum by Amaya Victoria

Are you a steward for the trees? Every day, a forty-foot tree takes in fifty gallons of dissolved nutrients from the soil, raises this mixture to its top most leaves, converts it into 10 pounds of carbohydrates and releases 60 cubic feet of pure oxygen into the air. The trees are our elders. In the indigenous ways these elders, the trees, are thanked and praised. We on the east coast have the privilege to live amongst and with the trees.

Gather with Amaya in a circle, constructing an altar built with sacred objects and prayer, then sit back as Amaya drums on behalf of you, Gaia, and the trees. The frequency and vibration that comes from the voice of the drum, which is between 146-290 hz, will open up your cells all the way to the mitochondria, affecting the left and right hemispheres of your brain, clearing and restructuring your whole being.

You shall be guided by Amaya to the center of Gaia, ride the roots of the trees and listen to the resonance and voices of these powerful beings. Let the messages abound! Coming back to the room, there will be time to share in the circle.

Please bring one sacred object. Chairs will be available. You are welcome to bring a pillow or mat to lay on. Please be on time, once the circle begins, the circle closes.


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Sincearay, Seeing Your Future Today (ASL upon request)

Sincearay is a compassionate intuitive medium and clairvoyant with extraordinary abilities.

A reading with Sincearay will help you move into a position of power and enlighten you how you can transform your own life.   Helping you to find center and grounding where there was apprehension or indecision.  Sincearay is a compassionate and understanding clairvoyant who has experienced life, death, and everything in between.       

Readings of divine guidance, Sincearay will assist you in drawing upon your own inner resources for expansion and transformation.  Don’t let yourself get in your own way.   She will help you identify and release your personal roadblocks.  Where you may then travel upon a clearer and more purposeful journey.

Her first experience communicating with spirits was at the delicate age of three. After the passing of her younger sister.  Sincearay would see her sister’s spirit however, she appeared older.  Sincearay continued to talk and play with her sister; it never occurred to her she was the only one who could see her.

A month after her seventh birthday Sincearay lost her father in a tragic manner, leaving her an orphan. Throughout her life, her father continues to guide her and support her.  Now, she has a wonderful husband and two beautiful, brilliant children.  Her family brings her unparalleled joy.

She has shared her gift with many and truly shares her compassion and understanding in every reading.  Consulting with people to help them in their lives is a passion for this wonderful clairvoyant.


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Read more about the article Meghan, Hearts Open Healing

Meghan, Hearts Open Healing

Reiki energy healing services. Oracle and tarot readings


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Rhonda Lotecka, Psychic Tarot Card Readings

Rhonda Lotecka has been a Tarot Card Reader for over 20 years with in-depth readings that help you plan out your future! The Tarot cards are interpreted by Rhonda when she connects with you during a card Reading!

Rhonda has been a well known Tarot card reader throughout Montgomery and Bucks Counties and has done many psychic fairs and in home events!


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Barbara Caruso, Mediumship and Spirituality Readings

Mediumship Reads are when the gifted psychic connects or is the Medium between you and a loved one who has crossed over to the other side of heaven. The Reading is a way to receive a message from the other side and help resolve any old issues and often promotes healing for earth bound person! There is no future predictions about your wealth or career with Mediumship.


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