Nourished Heart Healing

Multidimensional Energy/Intuitive Readings and Light Language Activations for the exquisitely sensitive!

In these sessions, I will connect in the etheric realm with Spirit, your celestial team of loving guides (Angelic, Galactic, and Ascended Masters) and your Divine Self, to offer heart-nourishing messages of comfort, and clarity to assist on your journey. This session is completely divinely-guided and may include Tarot/Oracle cards, Sound Healing elements, Light Language, and/or Energy clearing/work. We may explore past-lives, parallel lives, Soul family connections and the Akashic Records. These unique sessions can help unlock your innate psychic gifts and catalyze your empathic superpowers, as well as illuminate your Divine purpose as a pure, infinite expression of Source. 

Nourished Heart Healing is dedicated to illuminating your Divine Spark within through empowerment and heart-centered intuitive messages. It is my goal to help you reconnect with your precious Divine Self and awaken or reawaken your multidimensional essence. Through psychic empowerment, it is my sincere wish that you may experience confidence and clarity in your own gifts and that your light is spread through a magnificent ripple effect to humanity and Gaia as we continue to shift into 5D Earth consciousness.


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Meghan, Hearts Open Healing

Reiki energy healing services. Oracle and tarot readings


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