In-Lightened Spirit: Illuminations & Healing by Mel Thompson

Providing Illuminations, readings, to reveal assets and obstacles to enable our friends to live as their highest selves.
In cooperation with our Spirit Guides, Oracle Cards and Pendulum; our friends receive comprehensive information and strategies to co-create radiance in their lives.


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Angels Always Around Us

Margaret Phillips is a Psychic Medium, Life Coach, Reiki Master, Shamanic Energy Healer, Pranic Energy Healer, and Hypnotherapist who uses her many gifts and training to empower people to make positive changes in their lives.

Through Angel Readings, Mediumship Sessions, Life Coaching, Energy Healing, and Hypnotherapy, she helps people release the things that are holding them back and helps them on their spiritual journey so they can be the happy person the Universe created them to be. She works together with her clients to see where their roadblocks are or where they are coming and help them overcome them.

Mediumship sessions, Angel Card Readings, Guardian Angel Channeling, and Energy Healing sessions are $30 for each 15 minute increment and will be offered during the AWAKEN Expo.


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The Pink Lotus Spiritual & Wellness Center

We will be selling our handmade and Reiki-infused products (aromatherapy sprays, incense, jewelry, prayer malas, tarot decks, pendulums, crystals and crystal tiaras)! And our NEW Gothic/Witchcraft product line of jewelry, accessories, & clothing! 

We will also be providing private psychic readings at a discounted price!


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Enlightened Soul Communication

Provide channeled soul readings from the Divine realm and/or Akashic records to provide life guidance on.any aspect of life including health, relationship,…

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Jennifer Boulanger, Soul Energy Solutions


  • Reconnective Healing Sessions
  • The Personal Reconnection
  • Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Readings

Receive a healing, expand your awareness, and improve your life. Schedule your healing with Jen, attend her presentation, and stop by her booth to learn more!


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Deb DeWilde, Sacred Soul Messenger

As a Shamanic Healer, Mentor, Reiki Master, Akashic Record Facilitator and Channeler, I offer Mentorships ~ short or long term, Healing, Release…

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Deborah Pietruszka, Past Life Readings; Serendipity Meadows

Do you remember how a carousel ride can provide you with different and variable experiences as compared to merely standing nearby and…

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